Hjør­ring daycare









Hjørring Kommune

The new daycare called “the swan” is an insti­tu­tion for approx. 185 chil­dren, 40 employ­ees and chil­dren at the special section “Viben”. The kinder­garten have a lot of differ­ent oppor­tu­ni­ties for the chil­dren to learn and play in smaller and bigger groups — both inside and outside on the playground.

Sustain­abil­ity plays a central role in the whole process. The build­ing is pre-certi­fied for DGNB Gold, and it is a low-energy build­ing with a focus on circu­lar econ­omy — i.a. recy­cled bricks are incor­po­rated, and the base­ment from the school Godthåb, which was previ­ously located on the site, is reused to a certain extent.

Hjørring daycare 1 | Bjerg Arkitektur


To ensure clarity for parents and children, we have worked with the concept: "the small in the big". The physical design of the building supports the fact that the daycare is divided into two departments from the parents' and children's perspective, but with one common management, one unified staff group and one common value base.
The building is placed in the north-eastern part of the plot with a curved L-shaped building which is distributed over two staggered floors that adapt to the rising terrain on the site.

Common areas are focused around a common axis through the floors, which gives access to the differ­ent levels.
Anchored in Hjør­ring Munic­i­pal­i­ty’s day care policy that all chil­dren are part of a devel­op­ing envi­ron­ment, BJERG has a close collab­o­ra­tion with the munic­i­pal­ity, educa­tors and parent representatives.

Hjørring daycare 3 | Bjerg Arkitektur