Vicente García Espíldora

Vicente is an archi­tect focu­sed on deve­lop­ment and mana­ge­ment of busi­ness, and deve­lop­ment projects of archi­tec­ture and town plan­ning. In the last time he has deepe­ned both the passive house and the deve­lop­ment of real estate projects focu­sed on susta­ina­bi­lity. From his begin­nings in the world of archi­tec­ture, he stands out for deepe­ning in projects that gene­rate an impulse in society, as it was with the diffe­rent inte­rven­tions he deve­lo­ped in Bella­stock Chile, thro­ugh the archi­tec­ture collec­tive “Arqu­itec­tura Caliente” between 2013 and 2016, as well as in “Uno Proy­ec­tos”, with parti­ci­pa­tion in the resto­ra­tion and patri­mo­nial remo­del­ling project of Maestranza San Bernardo in 2016. It has also deepe­ned in the academy, teaching assi­stant­ships in such bran­ches “entre­pre­neur­ship and leader­ship” in the Univer­si­dad del Desar­rollo. Vicente has a strong inte­rest in the link between public-private projects, thro­ugh the line of entre­pre­neur­ship and new initia­ti­ves both social inte­rven­tion proces­ses and technology.